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Tips & Tricks

iWhite is committed to your oral health. Discover our tips & tricks to help you improve your oral health.

How long should you brush your teeth?

You should brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes for an optimal result removing plaque, food, debris and bacteria. Brush each of the 4 zones for at least 30 seconds.


How often should you change your brush?

Replace your toothbrush every 3 months. Replace it sooner if you have been sick, especially if the toothbrush is stored close to other toothbrushes.


When should you brush your teeth?

Brushing your teeth before breakfast is best. You might actually be better at preventing cavities brushing your teeth before you have breakfast because you’ll be removing as much bacteria as possible instead of “feeding” them. We recommend you brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes.


3 reasons why you should use mouthwash

It whitens your teeth immediately, removes & prevents plaque as well as strengthening and remineralising your teeth.


What to do after eating or drinking acid fruit?

It is best to rinse your mouth with water after eating these fruits and to not brush your teeth. The natural acid in the fruit that is left in your mouth after you eat it may temporarily soften the outer layer of the tooth. This temporary softening could allow your toothbrush to scrub away your tooth enamel. Therefore you’re best to rinse your mouth with water first.


Why are strawberries good for your teeth?

Strawberries help to dissolve stains and contain vitamin C which strengthens your teeth.


Did you know dark chocolate helps to protect your teeth?

Dark chocolate contains theobromine that helps strengthen your enamel.


Enamel regenerates?

No, even though it is the body’s hardest material, acidic food and drinks or over-brushing puts pressure on the enamel.


Did you know it’s better to brush your teeth before you apply iWhite Dark Stains?

Brushing removes the biofilm from your teeth. By removing this natural lubricant layer, the product can act more efficiently on the dental surface.


Is pumpkin good for your teeth?

Yes! Pumpkin is high in zinc, magnesium, vitamin A and vitamin C: all beneficial for your gums, enamel and overall oral health.
