How white will my teeth get?
However, clinical research shows that you can get up to 8 shades in just 20 minutes. These results have been submitted to a public notary. It also depends on how stained your teeth are before the treatment. The more stains, the more effect you will have.
How long will the whitening results last?
This will depend on your personal oral hygiene. Products such as tobacco, red wine, tea and coffee can cause new discolorations.
The iWhite Instant Care whitening toothpaste helps to keep your smile beautiful and provides daily protection for your teeth.
How often can I use the iWhite Instant whitening?
You can use it as often as you want.
What if my teeth and gums are experiencing sensitivity?
Since iWhite Instant is a non-hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening product, sensitivity of teeth and/or gums almost never occur. However if you do experience pain or excessive sensitivity we recommend to contact your dentist or pharmacist if necessary.
Can I use iWhite Instant if I suffer from gum problems?
If you have gum problems, you should consult a dentist before using the product.
Can I use iWhite Instant if I have dental work?
Do not use this product within 2 weeks in case of dental and/or orthodontic treatments (fillings, crowns, implants ……)
Will iWhite Instant have any effect on fillings, crown and veneers?
Crowns, veneers and fillings do not whiten, but won’t get affected by the treatment.
When is it not recommended to use iWhite Instant?
We do not recommend using the product for children under 14 years old, when you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have allergic reactions to one of the ingredients and in case you suffer from gum problems.
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Sed massa elit, interdum in iaculis eget, finibus et ante. Mauris ullamcorper tempus nulla iaculis volutpat. Nullam eu arcu eget metus pretium tincidunt. Nunc quis urna dignissim, molestie odio at, rutrum diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce ac ex sodales libero placerat condimentum. Vivamus sed vehicula libero. Donec tristique mauris nec ex auctor laoreet. Nulla fermentum libero id diam iaculis luctus. Phasellus dictum auctor felis nec egestas.